Embarking on a journey to study in Australia as an international student requires a thorough understanding of the Australian Student Visa process. This post serves as a comprehensive overview, guiding you through the application process, considerations, costs, and renewal procedures. …
Benefits Of Using A MARA Registered Migration Agent
Using a Migration Agent Registered Authority (MARA) registered agent can provide a number of benefits when applying for a visa to Australia. Some of these benefits include: It’s worth noting that using a MARA agent is not mandatory but it …
Subclass 191 Income Requirement
Your taxable income must be at least the minimum income threshold. Your taxable income is shown on your Australian Taxation Office (ATO) Notice of Assessment. You must have met the minimum income threshold for at least 3 income years. Note …
How to get band 8 in IETLS?
Getting a band 8 in the IELTS exam is an admirable achievement. It requires dedication and hard work to accomplish this goal. However, with the right tips and strategies, it is possible for any student to get a high score …
A Guide to Applying for the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa Subclass 491 Visa
If you’re a student or a professional looking to move and work in Australia, the Subclass 491 Visa may be your best bet. This visa is well known for its flexibility and competitive benefits–allowing individuals with specialist skills to grow …
Best Courses To Get PR Permanent Residency In Australia
Australia is a popular destination for international students seeking to access the gold standard in education. With an array of top-notch educational institutions, Australia provides ample opportunities and attractive lifestyle options that often have many choices to stay beyond their …
Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 491)
The new Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) subclass 491 visa offers eligible skilled workers and their families an opportunity to live, work, and study in select parts of Australia for up to 5 years. After 3 years, they can apply for …
Bridging Visa D Subclass 040 & Subclass 041
The Bridging Visa D – commonly referred to as BVD- is a short term solution for those who are unlawfully in the country. In such instances, you will be allowed to stay until either an alternative visa is granted or …